Monday, April 29, 2013

Crazy In London: Beyoncé rocks the O2 but her photo censure doesn't quite work out as fans flood with Twitter with illicit snaps


Beautiful in white: Beyoncé wowed fans with her show at the O2, with many tweeting that she simply brought the house down

It was Beyoncé's first night in London with her Mrs Carter show - and it is fair to say the sultry star rocked the venue.
So much that her self-imposed photo censure was completely smashed as fans and bloggers flooded Twitter with their own shots of the Crazy In Love singer's sell-out show.
Queen Bey simply dazzled onstage and in the eight 'official' pictures released fans don't quite get the impressive energy behind her dance-led show.

How did that one get through? Beyoncé looks amazing onstage at the O2 in London - but the stationary poses sent through by the one official snapper don't touch on the energy from the show

It begs the question why the superstar imposes such a photo ban on her concerts as Twitter users took to the site in droves, with one fan saying: 'She had us all eating from the palm of her hand within two songs.'
The photo censure follows the headlines that the 31-year-old is travelling the world on her Mrs. Carter Show tour with her own snapper in tow -- along with imposing an explicit ban on unapproved photographers.

Stationary: Crazy In Love singer Beyoncé in one of the approved pictures

On Monday evening no pictures were released of the Halo star performing in a dazzling blue catsuit - something fans highlighted as a hit of the show.
But bloggers and fans took to Twitter to share their own pictures with the social networking site effectively acting as an entertainment news agency, providing a full round up of the show.

All the single ladies: Their is no denying the mother-of-one looks perfect onstage

source : read more at dailymail

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