Saturday, April 27, 2013

Superstar footballer Cristiano Ronaldo 'cheated on his girlfriend with Brazillian model going by the name Miss BumBum'


The day after: Real Madrid's Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo playing in the Champions League semi final

Superstar footballer Cristiano Ronaldo cheated on his girlfriend with a Brazilian model who won the title 'Miss BumBum' in a catwalk competition, it was claimed today.
Andressa Urach said the Real Madrid striker, 28, slept with her in a hotel just 48 hours before a key Champions League semi final which his team lost 4-1 to German side Borussia Dortmund.
The 27-year-old said: 'I have always thought Cristiano is one of the most gorgeous men in the world, so I couldn't believe it when he got in touch with me.

Miss BumBum: Brazillian model Andressa Urach said Ronaldo, 28, slept with her in a hotel just 48 hours before a key Champions League semi final

'He said he was very excited by my pictures online and one of the first things he asked me was if I really was a Miss Butt Brazil model.'
She told The Sun it happened a day after the £80million former Manchester United forward was pictured leaving a restaurant in Madrid with his girlfriend Irina Shayk.
Miss Shayt, 27, had her arms crossed and wore a downcast face.

Cristiano Ronaldo and girlfriend Irina Shayak seen going for dinner at a restaurant in Madrid before the Champions league semi final against Borussia Dortmund

Speaking about their tryst, she said: 'It was incredible, his body's perfect, like a Greek god. He went on for hours and would not stop talking about my butt.'
Miss Urach claimed Ronaldo told her he had dreamt about her behind and called her his 'little horse' before asking her to come to Madrid and meet up.
Miss Urach told how the pair linked up at the city's £12,500-a-night Villa Magna hotel after she took a taxi there and waited for him in the lobby.

The day before: Ronaldo was snapped leaving the restaurant with his girlfriend the day before the alleged tryst. She looked furious

source: read more at dailymail

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