Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fang-tastic! Alex Skarsgard goes shirtless as his character deals with assault on vampire kind in new True Blood trailer

Vampire problems: A new trailer released on Saturday for the upcoming sixth season of True Blood featured shirtless vampire Eric Northman, portrayed by Alexander Skarsgard

The world of True Blood slips into chaos during its upcoming season that will feature star vampire Alex Skarsgard shirtlessly coping with it all.
The HBO vampire drama on Saturday released a new trailer for its sixth season that will premiere on June 16.
The trailer opens ominously with a dark-clad Anna Paquin as the show's Sookie Stackhouse looking worriedly at incoming waves lapping at a beach.

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Danger zone: Sookie says she can't even remember the last time her life wasn't in danger

The next scenes show a building on fire and a voice over the conflagration says, 'It feels like the world is spinning out of control. It's just chaos.'
A vampire is shown being dragged by chains by a pickup truck as tensions between humans and vampires apparently have reached the point of no return.

Out of control: Chaos erupts in season six of True Blood

'I can barely the remember the last time my life wasn't in danger,' Anna's Sookie character said.
Sookie's brother Jason, played by Ryan Kwanten, shows his anti-supernatural stance when he tells a car filled with his sister and Northman, 'It's about damn time someone did something about y'all.'
'Shut up, Jason,' his sister responds.

Two targets: Multiple vampires get lit up by laser-guided weapons this upcoming season

Sookie also has a showdown with vampire Bill Compton, played by British actor Stepen Moyer.
'You really believe you are god?' Sookie asked Bill.
The trailer ends with the dark tagline of No One Lives Forever.

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source: read more at dailymail

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